Orangeberry Book Tours – For Gods & For Men by James R Johnson

Posted on Wednesday, April 17, 2013

This bold new story written on an epic scaoe vibrates with its unique setting and time frame. Trapped in an alternate universe, the memorable characters set off on a quest to overcome nearly insurmountable odds.

The setting: 98 BC Rome. The story: Marcus Tegerius Castimus has just learned he is immortal. Together with an unlikely alliance that includes a vexed Vestal Virgin, he is the only hope to save the world from a trap that the Lifebloods had set centuries before. Pursued by two factions, Castimus can choose to help the Lifebloods and live in luxury and power, or he can fight them to save the human race from extinction. But doing the right thing is not always easy, and Marcus stubmles into the snare that the Lifebloods laid for him – a trap that has been centuries in the making and from which there is no escape. Or nearly none.

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Genre – Urban Fantasy

Rating – PG13

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