Orangeberry Book Tours – Yikes!: Another Quirky Audio Book by Adele Park

Posted on Sunday, April 14, 2013

When marijuana enthusiast Blue McKenna suffers an apocalyptic case of writer’s block, reality TV seems like an easy way out. A conglomerate of kooky contestants invades the polygamist community of Navel, Utah, to compete in a reality TV show called Yikes! Participants include Steven Finch, a lovable stoner who develops a conspiracy theory involving a rock band called the Rectal Surgeons, and Randall Smoot, a member of the Gay Mafia.

When marijuana and reality TV collide….

Yikes! Another Quirky Audio Book features a cast of 11 actors who portray the characters in funny, engaging narratives.

Buy Now @ Audible

Genre – Comedy / Satire

Rating – R (language & theme)

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Blog http://adeleparkquirkyaudiobooks.blogspot.com/

Website http://www.yikesaudiobook.com/


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