Review: Sex and Death in the American Novel by Sarah Martinez
Posted on Thursday, May 2, 2013
Sex and Death in the American Novel by Sarah Martinez
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Who in this book would you most like to meet? I am trying to decide between Jasper & Vivi. They each left a strong impression on me and it would be interesting what these characters would be able to share at our book club.
Do any characters grow or change during the course of the novel? Jasper & Vivi each learn and grow throughout the book. Vivi learned to forgive her father and realized that he loved her even though he never told her. Jasper learned to laugh and stop taking everything so seriously.
Tell in your own words the beginning of the book. Vivi, Tristian, & Francine are driving to a writer’s conference to see Jasper speak.
Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author.
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