Getting to Know Molly Campbell
Posted on Monday, September 16, 2013
What books have most influenced your life?
Very hard question. I would have to say that ANNE OF GREEN GABLES made me feel that I was not the only child in the world with a big vocabulary and vivid imagination. I named one of my daughters Anne.
Have you ever considered anyone as a mentor? Every writer of every good book I have ever read.
Who is your favorite author and why? I am fickle. But I love Reynolds Price, Joanna Trollope, Beth Hoffman, Elizabeth Buchan, and all of the Ephron sisters.
Are you reading any interesting books at the moment? I loved THE BURGESS BROTHERS by Elizabeth Strout.
Are there any new authors that have sparked your interest and why? John Kenney is wonderful. TRUTH IN ADVERTISING is a terrific book. I also love Lisa Lutz’s books about the Spellman family detective agency.
What are some of the best tools available today for writers, especially those just starting out? A laptop, a Thesaurus, and a Dictionary. Plus access to a lot of well written books. I guess that would be a library card.
What contributes to making a writer successful? Good luck.
Do you have any advice for writers? Edit, edit, edit.
Do you have any specific last thoughts that you want to say to your readers? Thank you for reading my blog. Would you mind spreading the word about my book? Thank you.
What do you do to unwind and relax? I have five cats. They are like little furry tranquilizers.
What dreams have been realized as a result of your writing? The girl that filled my order at the drugstore asked me to autograph her copy of my book. I can die happy.
If you could leave your readers with one bit of wisdom, what would you want it to be? Use spell check.
When you wish to end your career, stop writing, and look back on your life, what thoughts would you like to have? I want to remember the day I had a hot fudge sundae with nuts and extra whipped cream.
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Genre - Fiction / Short Stories
Rating – PG13
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